Tristan has always been active throughout his whole life. He grew up playing soccer from the age of four to twenty.

He competed for two years at the collegiate level and then found his passion for fitness/bodybuilding after. He began helping out friends for free until he wanted to make something out of it.

He ended up getting his certification to be a personal trainer through NASM and since then has coached people both in-person and online. “I love helping people whenever they have questions about fitness.

I get a sense of fulfillment from it. This is because, when I was just

starting out I really had no direction of where I was going with it. All I knew is that I wanted to transform my body into something great.

So, what did I do? I spent a countless amount of hours consuming fitness content. Ranging from reading books to watching youtube videos.

With applying this knowledge, I wanted to share it with others who were just starting or were struggling.

Certifications: NASM Personal Trainer, NASM Nutrition Coach, NASM Weight Loss Specialist, NASM Behavior Change Specialist.





I will be guiding you through your journey of achieving your greatest physique yet! I will provide you the blueprint, it's up to you to put in the work.



Workouts and Meals will be customized specifically to your goals, body, and schedule.



24/7 communication to give you advice, updates, and support.



Weekly video check-in's with tips and updates to make sure you're on track to reaching your goals.



Kyle Sorkness

"Bro I seriously want to thank you again, your program may be the best investment I have ever made, I'm seriously addicted now and I'm feeling so good! Coming back to school and everyone noticing has been amazing!"

Isaac Villa

"I appreciate everything you've done to help me along the way. Way different person coming out of this not just physically but mentally."

Ethan Kavaney

"Hey man! Just wanted to say thanks again for everything. Working with you was definitely one of the best decisions I made, it really put me back into a good direction. I learned a ton and couldn't be more thankful. I'll be sure to shoot you any questions if they come up. Thanks again man, really thankful for you."

David Carranza

"I just want to say thank you so fucking much and excuse my language but Tristan man.. you’ve believed in me bro when I didn’t even believe in myself. You really took a shot with me without knowing if I was serious or not and you’ve just been the absolute best in guiding me in the right path since before DAY 1. So thank you a million times and we’re only getting started my brother."


How much does it cost?

The price is based on your goals and the length it will take to achieve them with me. Click the APPLY NOW tab for me to contact you to discuss your exact goals. This will only take a couple minutes!

Is everything custom to me?

Everything is designed exactly for where you are right now and where you want to go with a sustainable approach in mind. Tristan makes educational, science-based decisions on what protocols will work best for you based on recorded data over your time in the program. There is never a one-size-fits-all approach and there may be times to switch things around as we move forward for this exact reason.

Can I join from anywhere in the world?

Tristan works with clients all around the world. Because he operates solely online, there aren't any locational barriers.

How long can I join the coaching for?

There is a minimum commitment period of 3 months, and then reoccurs on a month-to-month basis. Unless, you sign up for another long-term commitment. However, your journey can last as long as you would like it to.

Can anyone join Tristan Castillo Fitness (TCF)?

Of course! I work with everyone of all ages, locations, backgrounds and goals.

Do you work with women?

Of course! The workouts and meal plans are customized to meet your specific needs, regardless of your gender. 

Will I be speaking with Tristan once I enquire?

Yes, he will be going over your goals with you and make sure you're a good fit.

When will I receive my meal and training plans?

Because your plans are specifically created for you and your goals they will take anywhere from 1-3 days to create and assign. This will be provided once you have completed the questionnaire, and uploaded your starting pictures and bodyweight into the app.

Will I have access to an app?

Yes, you’ll have access to your very own app with Tristan Castillo Fitness's user interface where we can track your progress and you can access your workout and meal plan.

Am I able to workout from home?

100%. We can create a plan to your preferred location, whether it’s the home, gym or both, and to fit around your lifestyle and schedule.

What If I have questions about my exercise form during my workouts?

Ensuring your training with proper form is crucial. Tristan will be here to review any workout videos you send and reply back with advice via video/audio form suggestions.

Are you able to cater to any dietary restrictions/preferences I may have?

Yes! Making sure you’re eating foods that you enjoy is crucial. We cater to all dietary restrictions/preferences.

Will I be eating the same meals everyday?

There is a ton of variety to this. Your meal plan will contain the same list of foods everyday. However, you can request any meal changes, swaps and additions on your check-in days to keep the selection updated and ensure you always have new foods to try. You are more than welcome to eat other foods that aren't on your meal plan. As long as you're hitting your daily macro/calorie goals set out for you.

How do check-in's work?

You will upload progress pics, updated weight, and fill out a check-in form going over your previous week of training, nutrition, wins, etc. Tristan will then send a video the following day giving any advice or adjustments that need to be made for the next week. This to help you not only stay accountable, but make sure we're on track to reaching your goals.

What happens if I miss a check-in?

As a coach, I want you to be your absolute best. However, I will not be your babysitter. You miss a check-in, that's on you and will not adjust protocols for the coming week. You will be held accountable if you miss a check-in.

What results can I expect?

Tristan will always be 100% realistic with you and hold you to a high standard as he expects the same from himself. Tristan will guide and give you the blueprint to achieving your greatest physique, but it's ultimately up to you to put in the work. You can't expect results if you don't put in the work!

What makes me a good fit?

Having the ability to learn and become an all around better individual. Never shy's away from asking questions or communicating. Holding oneself to the highest standard as possible and believes in their potential. Takes immediate action and doesn't make excuses.

© 2023 Tristan Castillo Fitness LLC - All Rights Reserved.